Final Portfolio

Cat Plate
4” wide, red earthenware

This piece which was my artists tell stories attempt was one of the first things I made this school year. In this piece, I remember that I was struggling to pick between two ideas which was a story of my old cat or of my two new cats. I really reflected on my past and then considered the present and thought it would be better to create something to represent my cats’ closeness now. I think this decision making process has helped me to develop my craft and understand on what kind of stuff that I like to create. It also helped me to see that the overall theme that I wanted my pottery to represent was living thing (nature).

Hand made brush with work created from it

When I learned that we were going to be making our own paintbrushes I was very excited because I like this new aspect of pottery class and being able to create our own designs. I was very happy with the outcome of my paintbrush and the four sheets that I painted on. I think this demonstrated my growth because it showed I was able to try new things and learn from them.

exposed coils
2” wide 3” long
red earthenware

I actually feel that I learned a lot while making this piece in particular. I was able to develop my craft by learning how to better connect pieces together. But most importantly I felt that I was FINALLY able to make a successful coil! I have struggled a tremendous amount this year and last year trying to make coils and I always had to ask for help from peers. So while making this jar I got plenty of practice rolling coils and I now feel comfortable to make them.

wheel thrown forms/ high fire

Making these bowls/cup was my first time ever using the wheel. At first I couldn’t get anything going and was not able to create anything, but with enough practice and attempts I was finally able to start making things. I was able to overcome my struggles and create pieces that I was very happy with.

independent project
4” wide

This is my final project of the year but sadly I wasn’t able to complete it. I used the fetteling knif to cut out the rock shaped pieces but that was probably the most successful thing about this project. Though it didn’t come out the way I wanted I still stuck to my year-round theme of nature.

Question 2:

I would completely redo the piece above for many reasons. One reason is that one of the feet broke off of the bottom so I wish I would have made better connections with the serrated edge scraper. The edges also broke off because of how dry the clay was so I wish that I would have kept the piece more moist. Besides those things I would keep the piece fairly the same and then I would finish it.

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